MPO Redesign

MPO Redesign, managed by Stichting Pensioenregister, is where all residents in the Netherlands with pension entitlements can find their expected pension amount for when they retire.

Client Stichting Pensioenregister /
Project Mirabeau / Cognizant
My role Visual Designer
Tags: Redesign, User Interface, Pension, Finance, Government

Up to date and accessible

The goal and the process

Although an essential tool for the citizen, the portal wasn’t meeting today’s accessibility requirement and user experience. Which is why it was completely redesigned, and I was the visual designer responsible for it.

In order for the solution to be human centered, research was a part of the process from beginning to end. Four personas were defined, each belonging to an user age category, which were the base for an action plan and design principles for the new portal.

Tested with a variety of users, including seniors, visually impaired and blind.
From the beginning we knew this platform should be accessible for all.

Brand and design system

The redesign included a whole new brand. Which meant that a completely new design system was the best way to go. Together with an interaction designer, we reviewed all the components we wanted to reuse and produced new ones, in order to fulfil our objectives and make the platform more interactive and accessible.

Components and flows were frequently tested with real users and checked with pension specialists to make sure they were clear and compliant before they went to production.

Project made in partnership with Enof Communicatiebureau.

Transavia Airlines

Transavia Airlines
Client Transavia Airlines
Project Mirabeau / Cognizant
My role Visual Designer
Tags: Improvements, CRO, User Interface, Webshop, Travel & Hospitality

Collaborated for 8 months in improvements and refreshing the e-commerce / booking platform experience, following Transavia’s digital strategy.

Through frequent A/B testing, research, interviews and business requeriments, I ran frequent iterations on components or entire flows in order to improve user experience and conversion rate optimization.

The assignment also included designing Transavia's additional portals, as the Package Deals platform.

Keeping the consistency of the brand, component and interactions across all platforms and partner portals was a must. Even in a third party service provider – e.g. additional insurance – the user shouldn’t ever feel like they left the trusted and secure booking flow of Transavia.

Design system management and closely working with front-end designers to guarantee pixel perfect releases.

Always being aligned with stakeholders and other specialists from the scrum teams was part of the daily work. The objective was to iterate fast but never compromising the quality of the user experience.

Managing and keeping our design system updated was also a key role I played with this inspiring and awarded brand.



Here you’ll see designs of conceptual products or solutions that I worked on in the past few years.

These were made for client projects, pitches, design thinking workshops or for my own experimentation and studies. Quite a mix, enjoy!

Client Various
Project Various
My role Visual and Interaction Designer
Tags: Dashboards, concepts, pitches, landing pages, apps

Trade execution platform

Trade execution platform

This is my current project work,  a post trade execution / logistics platform that came to revolutionise the industry. It makes agri commodities shipping more transparent, agile and sustainable.

It’s a secure and reliable product that in its first year live, already handled more than 268 million metric tons of commodities and it’s trusted by the main agri companies in the industry.

I’d be happy to show you more of its design process in a call ?

Project Mirabeau / Cognizant
My role Product Designer
Tags: Product Design, User Interface, Commodities, Trading, Shipping, Logistics